22 August 2007

Cooking Classes at Qualcomm...

Saw this in the QLife bulletin today and was SO excited...

"Sponsored by QLife and The Cancer Project, this 8 week series will offer information on: Low-fat foods, fiber, dairy alternatives, replacing meat, planning healthy meals, antioxidants, immune-boosting foods and maintaining a healthy weight. Since the Cancer Project is paying for the food, please only register if you will be committing to attend all eight classes - no shows will be a huge inconvenience and cost to the instructor! Each class will feature cooking demonstrations and tastings. Each participant will receive a cookbook..."

Is that not the coolest thing ever? I wanted in so bad I could taste it (pun intended).
Only problem... the class is full and I am on the waitlist... ssssiiiiigggghhhh...

By the way, I just want to say that this was my gazillion dollar idea a few months back... "someone should start a company that offers lunch-time cooking courses to corporations." I didn't jump on it... and now... someone else gets all the dough (yep. another pun). In fact, even further, Katie and I mentioned it to an HR partner who is on this climate enhancing project. The project team didn't take the bait for the idea...and looky there... the cancer project seems to have the idea and people are FLOCKING to it! uh-huh... I'm looking for my favorite three words here...

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