30 August 2007


Katie and I have a white board in our office which we litter with words of the day (yes I know... we're nerds). We were visited by a nearby coworker who decided to add a lovely word of her own... mirepoix. It's a culinary term that means the combo of onion, celery, and carrots (aromatics, 2:1:1 ratio). See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mirepoix_(cuisine) for further info.

Katie proceeded to expose my little blog to said visitor (grumble grumble, blush blush) and so I explained the premise to her. She then recommended the following websites...


I am quite interested to peruse these sites, but it will have to wait until later..



Lori said...
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Lori said...

Ah yes, a mirepoix. And typically it's created as the first step to a soup or stew which requires a good bit of flavor and body. Prepare yourself... mirepoix is quite the scrumptious way to start things off!