03 October 2007

A little help from Sonnet...

So since we've embarked upon this culinary journey, Sonnet has found great joy in helping. She always asks me to "save a part for her", which is pretty cool! This started when we tried a recipe I got out of the Costco Connection Magazine (of all places! I think it was in the June/July edition across from an article about buying a grill). It was a greek style lemon-herb chicken skewer thing with tzaziki sauce. The tzaziki sauce was the real draw, although I will say their recipe for tzaziki sucked... still searching for a truly good recipe. I'll keep you posted if I find one.

However, a couple posts ago, I mentioned the thing I "created" was a rendition on an earlier theme. This recipe is where I got the idea for the marinade in the one I posted earlier today.

Olive oil
Lemon juice
Lemon zest
Red Pepper flakes
Mint I think?
Apple Cider vinegar
Other stuff? can't remember

Sonnet helped by adding the stuff that I chopped up to the mix and then mixing the chicken around...
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Marinated and Cubed the chicken breast tenders and stuck em on skewers
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Grilled em up nice and easy... (PS I need a new grill next summer... squatting before a grill for more than about 10 seconds is for the birds... and I don't mean chicken)
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It was tasty, but Sonnet said it was too spicy... maybe I will make it a little milder next time... less red pepper and cilantro or something.

Since then, she always wants to have a hand in making dinner... the other night we made "Saturday Special" aka "Not-Taco-Salad-but-Not-Nachos" (Chips, chili, cheese, lettuce, tomato, sour cream, etc) and she got to layer up the ingredients... fun stuff! :-)

1 comment:

Lori said...

HA!!!!!! I see you added "fire extinguisher" to your kitchen wish list!!!!!!! I'm dying over here... ROFL!!!!!!!!!