28 March 2008

It's been a while...

It appears that once I took up running, Culinary Journey went on the back burner, so to speak. I haven't really done too much in the area of new yummies, but let me see what I will need to catch up on in the near future... Ummm...

I think the most notable would be the honey pineapple chicken... once in the crock pot and once in the oven. Ooh that reminds me... cranberry gravy pot roast will need to have it's piece. Did I ever talk about the bourbon pecan pie? I don't think I did... so we'll have to add that one in. Made some sugar cookies for V-Day with the little one, which was fun too.

Well I have a lot of catching up to do, but I think I'll just go ahead and roll with Levi's birthday dinner for now... stay tuned for others...

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